These are props that I have made over the past several months (March-June). I've been working towards having a full suit completed and have been learning new methods and practices for costume making as well as "armor" building.

These images below are owned strictly by 343 and Microsoft
I am only using these as a basis for what my own armor should eventually look like, and taking inspiration from the design of the armor as I go. I do not claim any ownership of these images.

After having extensive experience with 3D printing, I wanted to try something new for myself. I'd seen plenty of cosplayers use a program called Pepakura to create parts of their costumes. So I gave this a try and fiberglassed the interior of the chest piece before applying Bondo and sanding to prep for paint.

Having found the previous process to be difficult I tried learning some foamsmithing skills. Cutting each part of an assembly out by using Pepakura print outs and then adhering them together using contact cement. This process was much more forgiving and less time consuming. The foam will allow the wearer to move much more freely and still be light in comparison to other materials. The foam also seems to take damage well, and is fairly hard to actually damage.

This entire project was strictly for fun, I had no intentions of producing or selling Halo Licensed gear or work. I did this for myself and to develop my own skills to create a "screen accurate" Costume.

November I was awarded a tier 2 classification for this suit by the 405th, something not many members have, my goal was to get exactly that. Out of a 3 tier system, 1 being a hobbyist, and 3 being a perfect recreation, I was excited to receive a tier 2 classification, meaning I was able to produce a professional enough armor set while still having realistic goals ahead of me for the future.