The main purpose of this project was to attempt replicating a prop from screen captures without seeing the actual model in any other capacity. Halo Infinite still has 8 months before its release date and I need some practice with Fusion 360!

These two images above are the only images I had to work with at the time of modeling the rifle. Both of these images were released before the official release of the game, and were subject to change at any time.
I knew that in making this model I wanted to plan out how I would assemble this prop in real life. Making sure each piece interlocked and fit together perfectly so that I could then print each part out on my own printers to do a final assembly.

Once I had the entire model split and each piece was given tolerances for assembly I was able to then combine this into a kit to complete the Halo Infinite Sniper Rifle build.

Beginning 2023, A revision was needed for the Halo infinite model that I had created. The details were far from perfect, and a better assembly was needed. This became the kickstart needed to begin a re-modeling process.